I'm a software developer with passion for development and digitalization. Driven by contributing to the future digital society and creating purposeful technology. I consider myself a team player and a fast learner. Solid skills in C# / .NET, Python, Java, SQL and more. In addition, I am an AI enthusiast with several courses and projects in medical image analysis.
An interactive AI chatbot based on OpenAI´s GPT-3.5 Turbo. Upon user authentication, the user can navigate to the chatpage where their latest conversation with the chatbot is fetched from the database. The user can continue the conversation or clear it and start a new one. The application is a fullstack application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) and contains key features such as token-based authentication, SSO, integration towards OpenAI API etc.
A 2D platformer game developed in Unity. It consists of 2 different levels, each designed with different obstacles and platforms. The player can move left, right and jump. Each level is completed when the player gets to the finsh line, avoiding all obstacles and traps. The player is also able to collect fruits which are counted in the game to display the total number of collected points. Moreover, the game contains music, sound effects, various types of animations, and a start & end screens. This is one of the very first games I developed and looking forward for more game development!
A prototype of a chat application developed in C#. It contains both front- and backend functionality, including a backend server written in ASP.NET Core and an SQL database. Some key features implemented in this application: user registration and login using token-based authentication, email service, caching user data on client machine, dependency injection, custom logging, error & exception handling.
C# .NET application (written in WPF and built according to the MVVM design pattern) for working with smart chip cards (specifically SITHS cards - smart cards used in the swedish healthcare sector for authentication) using Windows Certificate Store and the application Net iD as backbone. The program reads certificate information on the smart card and has functionality for ecrypting and decrypting data using a certificate stored on the smartcard, as well as signing data to create a digital signature.
Python application for visualizing COVID-19 lesions in CT images. The application has functionality for visualizing 3D data, multiplanar reconstruction, three plane visualization and more. The application was developed in collaboration with a mate of mine during our time at university.